Welcome to Eidsfoss barnehage, situated at the southern end of lake Eikern in Holmestrand municipality, on the west side of the Oslo fjord – just over one hours drive from our capital, Oslo.
Depending on you origins you might want to call us a nursery school, kindergarten or preschool – different names are used around the globe. Fact is: Our focus is play-based learning and socialization. We accept children from ages 1 to 6. The five year olds are given special educational attention preparing for school, being “skolestartere” – as Norwegian children attend public shool from august the same year they celebrate their sixth birthday.
We are known as the small nursery with the big heart – because we know that a smaller environment with good staffing has a lot to offer. With two wards and a maximum capacity of 36 children, every kid is seen as the individual it is and well taken care of. We believe it is good for the children that there is a little less fuss, and a little lower sound level than in bigger institutions.

Many parents also appreciate that older and younger children spend a lot of time together and get the opportunity to get to know each other, play and learn together.
We currently have the capacity to receive more children, and happily accept applications for the season starting august 2023.
Contact our manager Ellen Karine Sørum for a good chat and guidance on how you may apply: Phone +47 93601380 or e-mail ellen@eidsfossbarnehage.no.
We will add some more practical and formal details to this page in the near future.